Autumn Leaf Crown

autumn leaf nature crown

Do you ever have those moments when none of your little lovelies seem to be getting along and there’s a lot of boredom-induced arguments happening? Obviously. When we hit those moments, I run to the nature crafts. Send them outside to collect things.

These nature crowns are one of my favorites. They look completely different every time you make them. It’s so fun to see what they come up with. And even more fun to see what enchanting adventures their crowns have in store for them. Pretty quickly the arguing is replaced with wonder.

These usually need 3 pieces of crown design to make it all the way around the head. I glue or tape them together into a ring, then let the girls glue or tape leaves along the inside. It’s so fun to see which leaves they select and how they arrange them!

To make your own Autumn Leaf Nature Crown, grab our Nature Crowns Printable which includes 2 other designs for nature crowns as well.

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